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My crazy did not beat out my sanity this morning. Everyone won.

“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat…”? This song. I’ve known it since childhood. I have wonderful memories of singing it in the back of the car with my…

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Parenting: I’ve learned that there are only degrees of failure. And that’s okay.

When I first became a mother, I was young. Not Loretta Lynn young, but young enough to still have a head full of delusions of grandeur and invincibility that only…

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Bucket List update – Six weeks in and the results are not so much pretty.

Yikes! I had better step up my game and quickly! I only have four weeks left to get four months worth of challenges done. Oh yeah. I got this. Or,…

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Almost three weeks in, time for a 2015 Summer Bucket List Check-In

I thought today may be a good time check in with my Summer 2015 Bucket List and take stock of how I’m doing, where I’m winning and where I’m tanking.…

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Upside-Down Pizza Casserole – Recipe

I have to share this one. It is simple, it is fast, and it is totally and completely delicious (if you like pizza, that is. And, if you do not…

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Food for thought – Scottish style

I love me a good proverb and I love all things Scottish (aye, ’tis in me blood, so it is), so when I came across these little morsels of Scot…

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What every daughter wants

is a dad who feels this way about her: and a dad who thinks that she is special enough to write this song about: and while daughters may say things…

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Five nice’ish things that I done did for OTHERS this week

The other day I blogged about five nice things that I did for myself this week (you can read about that here). But, after publishing, as the hours ticked by,…

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I fear for the future if this is where Google is leading people

Logical sequencing, sensible leaps in reasoning, educated guessing. Many of us do these things on a daily basis. Some of us (um, not me?) take twisty, wonky roads to reach…

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I went on vacation and things exploded around here

I came home to Keswick only to find that my garden vegetables converted into the vegetable equivalent of ‘Girl’s Gone Wild’ meet ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ More about our vacation…

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