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Banana Crumble Cake a.k.a. Wear-Your-Big-Pants Cake

I have no idea where I found this recipe or why it took so long for me to try it but OMG, this is like banana bread and cake rolled…

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What every daughter wants

is a dad who feels this way about her: and a dad who thinks that she is special enough to write this song about: and while daughters may say things…

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Oh, she of few words

It’s a post in pictures today. This the most I can do from my hiding place under the bed. I am loving summer, loving all the time with my smalls,…

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This song resonates. It is just RIGHT.

No secret, I’m a big music fan, always have been, and have never pigeonholed my musical experiences to one artist or genre and remain open to all music from any…

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