All good things must end. The end is near. Only the good die young. There are countless words of wisdom about The End. Some things could go on and on forever and it would be great. Like chocolate fountains, that great first date with my (you for yours, hers for her, it gets confusing, but it’s early so my brain is punchy) husband, those (rare) moments that my babies fell asleep in my arms, breathing their baby breath on me and sighing happily in their sleep, the first Bridget Jones’ Diary, Love Actually and Gone with the Wind movies. All of these things could go on, and on, and on and I would not complain. Not even once. Not even a little bit. But none of them lasted. They turn those fountains off. The date came to an end (although the follow-up has been pretty awesome too, I have to admit), my babies are growing and if they fell asleep in my arms now, the lack of blood flow thru my arms would lead to certain amputation, and even those movies with sequels still ended. And for the most part, the sequels sucked ass.
But things that need to end NOW go on forever. Like this ‘now you see me, now you don’t’ winter. And bullying. And homophobia. And laundry. And bad drivers. And this godforsaken WINTER. Enough already! It’s cold. Snow is heavy, even the fluffy stuff gets heavy after the third or fourth time shifting it. We’re (the people of Keswick) are tired of it. The snow is pretty, yes. On CHRISTMAS. The rest of the time it is just a huge, cold, bitter pain in the toe. We have pissed Mother Nature off something fierce and she’s sticking it right back to us with this schzio weather.
“Dear Mother Nature,
We the people (or at least a good handful of us) realize how much we’ve messed up managing the planet. We’re sorry. We’re trying really hard to stop screwing everything up. We’re trying to stop developers from raping the green space to leave homes for the wildlife and trees. (Council meeting is on Wednesday to seek protection of the North Gwillimbury Forest – I signed the petition – did you?!?) We’re trying to reduce our waste, recycle, upcycle, freecycle as much as possible. My legs are exhausted from all of the cycling, to be honest. But I will keep doing it because it is the right thing to do. And because if I don’t people will judge me. Harshly. Like you are now, just because I’m being so completely, winter-frozen honest with you at this moment. It’s ok, I don’t mind. Just please, please, please, call off this bitter cold, this endless falling of snow and let Spring come to Keswick. We’re not so bad, we’re just really, really cold. The freeze fucks with our brains and mangles our decision-making abilities. Warmth and sunshine should fix us right up.
Yours truly,
The Keswick Blogger
P.S. I totally dig the woodpecker you moved into my front yard. He’s wicked cool. And the owl in the back yard, he’s a boss. The blue jays and cardinals are a sight for these sore, winter-blind eyes as well. Wish the Forest freedom fighters luck at the Monday meeting! I can’t imagine what next winter is going to be like if we wipe out yet ANOTHER unsullied nature space.
P.P.S. In case you’ve forgotten what Summer (which follows the fictional Spring) in Keswick looks like, I’ve included a few pictures :)”