Tonight I Paid My Respects
Ever since the arrangements for Kyle Ehinger were released, I’ve been determined to go and pay my respects to his family. I usually hide away from large gatherings of any…
Ever since the arrangements for Kyle Ehinger were released, I’ve been determined to go and pay my respects to his family. I usually hide away from large gatherings of any…
I was always afraid to one day have a daughter. Having been a girl my whole life (just in case anyone was thinking we had another pregnant man situation here,…
Am I going to post the obituary for my son’s friend, Kyle Ehinger, who took his own life, in Sutton, on May 17th, 2012. Kyle’s family, friends and girlfriend need…
…Tired. I’m still fighting this flu and right now, it feels like I’m on the losing end. Neither Mr. KB or I are sleeping very well right now and that’s…
Today is our anniversary. We’ve been hit with a nasty flu bug that has made us achey-breaky this week, and if I could somehow rip out my own throat, I…
Yesterday the big truck came and moved all of our furniture and the like to our new home. Now, the task of unpacking, continuting to purge and organize will begin.…
Tomorrow is closing day! Fingers crossed that all goes according to plan and we have the keys in our hands around lunchtime. We keep having those “Oh My God –…
We are closing on our new home this week. We move at the end of the month. Between closing and moving, we have rooms to paint, roofing to do, carpets…
Baby steps, people. Baby steps. That’s what I’m going to tell myself as I reveal the naked ugly truth about my grocery budget mini-fails. Back on February 29th, I posted…