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5 apps that make my days better

For my birthday this year, Mr. KB bought me the new iPad*. And as I always suspected that I would, I LOVE IT. It so fast, easy and fun to…

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I choose to believe that this illiterate is loving me

Although I am somewhat fairly certain I am not his intended recipient. But I’m the one who cared enough to take a picture and immortalize it, so I think that…

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This dude has totally moved into our space

And then he tries to play possum with me and dodge the camera! But, I got a few shots of him, even before he took off to the top of…

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UPDATED: Shopping online at goes well, not so well.

Scroll down for the update Being a self-proclaimed frugalite, I try to limit how much and how often I shop – in real life and online. Just because I’m in…

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People please. If there is one thing that you teach your children this year

And I do mean this most respectfully knowing all of the different directions that our attention and resources are pulled in, but please, and I mean PLEASE, teach your young…

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Dispelling the myth of the magical new year

When I was a little girl, my parents explained the concept of New Year’s Resolutions to me. I thought that New Years’ Resolutions were a wonderful idea. I took what…

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A quick and dirty organization project

Remember when we were younger and Saturday nights were when we went out and partied like it was 1999? Or maybe it was 1999. Or maybe I feel 1999. I…

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Last post of 2012 (I think)

There are so many things people write at the end of a year but the two most common are highlights from the past year and predictions and/or goals for the…

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A banana peel out the car window? And I worry for a second that I may be a grown up

On Friday, Miranda and I had a full day of shopping planned (and yes, I am acutely aware how close we are to Christmas and how inadequate I am for…

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Because I am a girl who believes in second chances

Almost a year (!!) ago, I posted about Keswick Price Chopper and their substandard meat. I was very, very annoyed with the store in particular and the whole Sobey’s response…

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