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Okay so Rob Ford smokes crack. Have YOU ever been drunk enough to hit the pipe?

Now, I’m no saint. Hell, I’m barely teetering on the right side of moral most of the time. But there are a few ‘biggies’ that I just won’t do, never…

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Free samples in the mail. Small in size, big in smiles.

Usually when Miss Moon and I walk over to pick up our mail, I am usually disappointed with the array of bills, hearing aid solicitations, MPP newsletters, and mis-directed mail…

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Even as a reformed retail therapy abuser, this news makes me happy. Oh, and free money always helps too.

For years, our U.S. neighbours have been able to shop for groceries, housewares, books, music, toys, etc. on Up here in Canada, we’ve been stuck with books, movies and…

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How quickly I forget. No really. I actually totally forgot.

It’s only Day 2 of NaBloPoMo and I had already forgotten about it. So comfortable in fact, that I settled into our Saturday routine without a second thought. And then…

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So apparently November is some kind of blogging cult ritual month that I guess I’m ready to join. Now pass me that kool-aid

It’s the first day of the eleventh month today. Last night was Halloween and besides the glaring absence of Tootsie pops, it was a good night. My smalls ran like…

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Can I claim to be frugal while fat or am I a frugal fraud?

Strange things occupy my mind. I’m the first to admit that it’s a bit of a rat’s nest in there, but this is a new one, even for me. You…

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I’ve been hiding from my blog lately but please do not take it personally, this is just my brand of crazy

Sometimes, okay, often times, life gets too LOUD for me. When life feels too loud, I retreat and close ranks. It is when I feel over-exposed, vulnerable, and really, just…

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RoadKill or Road Kill. It’s all good.

It is easy to forget that the place where you live is not the only place in the world. It is easy to forget that what is easy and readily…

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Through the kindness of others, applesauce is made

When we moved to our dream home just over a year ago, the one thing that we had to leave behind was our beloved apple tree. The year prior to…

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I went on vacation and things exploded around here

I came home to Keswick only to find that my garden vegetables converted into the vegetable equivalent of ‘Girl’s Gone Wild’ meet ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ More about our vacation…

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