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Is social media holding us hostage? Nope, not me. Bye, Felicia.

On the topic of social media, volumes have been written, discussed, debated, studied and meme’d. Until now, I have not taken the time to throw my thoughts on the subject…

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Have I been doing it wrong or are they doing it wrong? My world is upside down now. How do you do it? No, not that it.

One of the things that I enjoy about going over the border to the US is that it gives me the opportunity to tour through American grocery stores and snag…

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Parenting: I’ve learned that there are only degrees of failure. And that’s okay.

When I first became a mother, I was young. Not Loretta Lynn young, but young enough to still have a head full of delusions of grandeur and invincibility that only…

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Whole Wheat and Honey Sandwich Bread – Recipe

This past holiday season, I rediscovered my passion for baking bread and NOT spending money on chemical-laden, mass-produced, over-priced bread at the grocery store. So, in a nutshell, I rediscovered…

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I am a little bit obsessed (or is that possessed?). Again.

I’m obsessed with way too many things, and unfortunately almost none of them are things that will make me skinny, rich or admired by millions. But obsessed I am, nonetheless.…

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On remembering 2015 and welcoming 2016

My 2015 was not a bad year. It wasn’t a fantastic year and at times it felt as bad as it could get, but it never was. It could have…

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I’m no design diva or anything but, um, hello?

So, the other day, we took the smalls across the border to Buffalo to celebrate Mason’s 11th birthday. He loves going to Niagara Falls and checking out the Buffalo scene,…

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So, I marched to my own drummer, except it turns out that my drummer is an asshole with no sense of rhythm. Go figure, right?

Almost two weeks into 2015 I published a post listing my goals for the year. You can read that post here. This year, instead of a December wrap-up, I’m going…

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Are all ya’ll ready for the big day?

Because I most definitely do not feel ready. But I think that I may be ready. I think that my lists and obsessive scurrying and hurrying and scrubbing and cleaning…

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It takes a village, so thank you.

First off – thank you. Thank you for understanding that sometimes, the diabolical twins, Depression and Anxiety show up and while they are not invited guests, nor do I want…

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