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People, I am making an impact.  Don’t believe me?

Well, WordPress stats lets you see what search terms people use to find your blog.  It is probably meant to help you target your audience, but I use it solely for my own edification, amusement and sometimes genuine delight.

Since it’s been almost a year since I started really making the effort to post regularly, some people have found The Keswick Blog using the following search terms:

“how to fuck a person up”

“show me yours blog pictures xxx”


“granny asshole”

Now, I could be mortified.  I could be ashamed.  But I’m just going to be furiously happy, shameless proud, and that sum up my elation in as few (relevant) words as possible:

Listen here pickupfuckers, you all really know how to fuck a person up.  Show me your xxx blog pictures and stop being such a granny asshole.

I can’t wait to see the next years’ worth of search terms and which ones will bring a tear to this proud blogger’s eye.  Bring it!

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