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First, let me say that drugs are stupid.  Second, let me advocate for Hugs Not Drugs.  and, let me date myself by spewing forth the 80’s battle cry (no, no, not ‘Cowabunga!’) “Just Say NO!” and finally, fourth, let me attempt to defend myself and my obvious flaws (mental and physical) by saying that I have never actually been a recreational drug user, despite so, so, so much evidence to the contrary.  Case in point:

I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. I’m just a mis-shapen-and-mis-sized-bread making goddess. Your move, Juney C.

Yup, just another day in the ‘wick.  Keswick Blogger-style (similar to Gangnam style but with a bit less imaginary-horse ass smacking).

Fight the power!

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