I do love me some coupons! For 2012 I have decided to track just how much money I am saving our family by shopping sales, ad matching and using coupons. I’ll post my monthly totals on the last day of the month (if I’ve done the final shopping for the month). My hope is that posting, it will keep me motivated and accountable. I’m trying to shop once a week, although I’ve kind of rationalize the weekend into being one day, so in reality, for the past two weeks, I have shopped on both Saturday and Sunday 😉 And, for honesty’s sake, I will be shopping once more this week for milk and a few other super sale items, mostly likely at Wal-Mart in town.

I’m tweaking our grocery budget and trying to get it as low as possible and still have lots of fresh, healthy food for everyone. Note: The free swag cereals are not ones that I have ever purchased (we’re all about the Shreddies, Special K and Cheerios around here) and I don’t think that sugar cereals actually are good breakfast choices, so we’ll use them for treats and snacks 🙂 The Gluten Free Rice Krispies will either be eaten as is or made into the never nutritious but always delicious Rice Krispie squares 😉
It’s just too easy to spend oodles of money at grocery stores, especially when one (um, ok, I) like to need to have a relatively healthy stockpile of everything my family uses and eats. It practically gives me heart palpitations to run completely out of something – probably because I know if it’s not on sale that week that I’ll have to pay, gasp!,  full price 😉 But no, I don’t have rooms full of shelves full of cereal, chocolate bars and Gatorade, that just ain’t how Honey Badger rolls *grin*
In other news, Mr. KB and the three youngest boys went somewhere very new, fun and exciting yesterday. As soon as I have the pictures, I’ll share 🙂 Moon and I had our own adventures yesterday too, no pictures to share, but we had lots of laughter and fun too (thank you again and again, Mel!) 🙂