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I fear for the future if this is where Google is leading people

Logical sequencing, sensible leaps in reasoning, educated guessing. Many of us do these things on a daily basis. Some of us (um, not me?) take twisty, wonky roads to reach…

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So I made some predictions awhile ago and I wanted to update you

The results are in, and they reveal that I AM the new Kreskin! (For those who haven’t heard of Kreskin, of course there’s a whole website, or 44,000 websites, give…

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Miscellany madness. Memories, kids, hiding from zombies and generally not being a lazy fucker

This post turned out a lot longer than I intended when I started writing. I think this is a strong indicator that I need to post a little more often…

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I just had the most amazing thing happen to me

And I just had to share it with you because it made me furiously happy, feel incredibly appreciated, and I’ll admit in this exuberant burst of honesty, more that just…

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A new look for a new year

Now, if I could just lose 50 pounds, figure out how I’d like my hair done, and work up the courage to use my (very beautiful, very fancy, and very…

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Predictions for my upcoming week

Based on the many prior weeks I have living my life, I now feel qualified to predict with a certain degree of accuracy, my upcoming week. It is not so…

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Decluttering on Cocaine

Um, really? There are people out there who are searching for information about decluttering while on cocaine and they were directed to The Keswick Blog via their search engines to…

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I need a challenge called “post everyday for a week and then disappear for a week and then post again” I think I would OWN that one.

Two weeks ago marked the beginning of NaBloPoMo, and I decided on a whim to jump on board. Then, I posted like a demented fiend for a week and hit…

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Life Lesson on strategic wishing

Lately, I’ve been doing a some serious thinking about life. Specifically how we (and by we, I mean people in general) get where we are, have what we have and…

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When life gets me down, and just keeps dragging me further into the vacuous depths of my mind

I wrote most of the this post about a month ago and just filed it away, hoping that it would be the last time that I felt despair to that…

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