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I’ve done a few really cool things in my life but this just may beat all

I’m kinda a little bit old, not old old, but a little bit old. So I’ve been on one planet or another for a while now and in my time,…

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Food for thought – Scottish style

I love me a good proverb and I love all things Scottish (aye, ’tis in me blood, so it is), so when I came across these little morsels of Scot…

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My garden is possessed and not in a good way

It occurs to me that possession, or being possessed is generally considered to be a big, gaping negative. But, had I happened to be writing a blog post sharing what…

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Banana Crumble Cake a.k.a. Wear-Your-Big-Pants Cake

I have no idea where I found this recipe or why it took so long for me to try it but OMG, this is like banana bread and cake rolled…

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What every daughter wants

is a dad who feels this way about her: and a dad who thinks that she is special enough to write this song about: and while daughters may say things…

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Oh, she of few words

It’s a post in pictures today. This the most I can do from my hiding place under the bed. I am loving summer, loving all the time with my smalls,…

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This song resonates. It is just RIGHT.

No secret, I’m a big music fan, always have been, and have never pigeonholed my musical experiences to one artist or genre and remain open to all music from any…

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Garbage is heavy so we reduced the load

Ever since we moved into this house, I’ve been enamoured with the idea of composting our ‘natural’ garbage. This family of mine goes through crazy amounts of produce on a…

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One high speed car chase does not a vigilante make. It takes at least two.

Once, years and years ago, my son Declan and I were dropping off a bunch of things for donation at our local Goodwill. It was a Sunday, so they were…

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There is a reason why I rarely shop retail anymore

And that reason is because holy shit! Have you seen the prices of children’s clothes these days? I thought that consumables like clothing were getting cheaper and cheaper (both in…

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