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Summer Bucket List 2015 – Keeping it real and doing this in two parts. Part 1

I’m a list maker. I make lists at least daily if not more often. I make lists of chores that I need to do, errands I need to run, food…

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I’ve reached new heights of procrastination

Well, I did it. I finally forced myself to look at the list of my blog posts. WordPress very helpfully (read: spitefully) indicates the status of each post. And, noticing…

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Does anyone else suffer from emotionally induced email dependency?

When things go horribly wrong, and someone who is important in my life is upset with me, or we’re arguing or disagreeing about an issue, depending on how much I…

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Five things I so love today

Aside from the obvious unchanging list toppers (husband/kids, family, chocolate), today I am loving these things: That is it for today. Short and to the point. Just like me. Except…

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Learning when to speak up and when to keep your head down and shut up

These are two life lessons that I come to a little late in life. I may have mentioned a time or two before about being an only child. Perk –…

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I ate this (a blatant display of self-abasement)

and immediately felt guilty. I felt like a terrible person. I felt like a failure and a loser and bad parent and a poor example and really, quite honestly, worth,…

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Upside-Down Pizza Casserole – Recipe

I have to share this one. It is simple, it is fast, and it is totally and completely delicious (if you like pizza, that is. And, if you do not…

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You never realize how ignorant you are until you have kids

Sometimes I really wish I would have listened to and believed my parents when they told me (often) that no, I really did not yet have all of the answers.…

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March Break Instalment of Things My Kids Say

MONDAY We were driving home from Newmarket, after a semi-satisfying lunch at Costco, (for the kids, I behaved and stuck to sipping my Diet Pepsi and pretended not to be…

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School-safe Protein-packed Granola Bar Recipe

A while back, I published a post about becoming an Epicure Selections consultant. Since then, I have been busy trying as many Epicure products as possible (and no, I don’t…

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