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I have five children.  I have hosted/thrown/paid for five birthday parties.  That would make me mom of the year if I had one-year-old quintuplets.  But I do not (fortunately? unfortunately? I dunno).  Just five single children, all of them woefully lacking experience in being the guest of honour at one of those invite-your-friends-kill-a-pinata-eat-cake-and-get-a-lootbag kind of parties.

This year I decided that I wanted to throw a joint party for Pax and Deacon.  I got so caught up in all of the fun it was going to be that I completely overlooked a few things.  Namely:

1.  A joint party could mean upwards of 50 people.  Mr. KB would be bbq’ing, so that would leave me to entertain and organize 50ish kids ranging from 2 to 7 years old.  Really. Not. Happening.

2.  It could rain that day.  ‘Nuff said.

3.  We are still under construction, including scaffolding and lots and lots of mess.  Having someone elses’ kid climb a ladder up to our roof may kill the fun-party vibe, you know?

But all is not lost.  I think we’ll have two smaller parties for the boys.  To break my throw an at-home birthday party virginity, so to speak 😉

So I need to get hopping on planning and throwing the first one, since his actual birthday was last Tuesday and Deacon’s is fast approaching.  Oy vey.

And today is Sunday, so I baked the bread for the kids’ lunches.  I may be crap at throwing birthday parties but I rule at baking carbohydrate-laden goodies for my little loves.

Mmmm, mmmmm, yummy!

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