With Mas starting grade three and Deacon entering grade one, having somewhere for them to do their homework when the kitchen is just too busy, loud, or full had been on my mind quite a bit. Mas had a desk, but no storage and time, space and money were conspiring against me. Until, that is, Mr. KB’s most excellent friend, Aaron, tipped us off to a school in Bradford who had thrown a ton of school desks into the dumpster (!! Really – I guess our provincial education spending isn’t out of control after all and there is lots of money to educate our kids – yay government! Um, ya, right. I don’t think so). And he was good enough to pick one up for us while he was there with his trailer. And when I saw it, all I could think was “Argh, I should have asked him to grab a couple more!”
As luck would have it, I had to go out grocery shopping in town after the kids went to bed that night. I called Mr. KB when I was done and he suggested that maybe I could jump over to Bradford and grab another desk. Well, I was all over it! So I did. And when I got there, I took two more desks. Rearranged my van, crammed everything inside (with no small amount of swearing and cursing) and brought them home. And then they sat. For a couple of weeks. On our front porch. Not exactly the look we’ve been going for around here. Opps.
They needed sanding and painting. I didn’t want them to look brand new, they are not high end pieces – they are discarded metal school desks – but I wanted them to look nicer for the boys and be more what each of them would like in a piece of furniture.
So they picked their colours. Orange, green and purple. Oh boy.
They turned out exactly the way I envisioned them turning out. Mr. KB did a wonderful job painting them and the look amazing in the boys’ rooms.
Total cost? $4.97 x 3 + HST (for paint) = $16.85 for three made over desks. Sweet!
What was the best ‘find and fix’ or repurpose/reuse you’ve ever had?  Leave a link to your pictures if you blogged about it – I wanna see! It feels like these desks are really only the tip of the iceberg for me  🙂
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Thats a pretty good score! I remember having used that style of desk when I was in jr school…brings back memories. The only thing I see missing is the lil pencil grove at the front/top of the desk as well as the hole on the right for the ink 😉