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…Now the pressure is really on to post some interesting or neat or awesome stuff so people will ‘Pin it’ and I’ll know that I’m worthy.  Or something like that.  I think.  Oh, I don’t know if I’m good with the pressure of this new button.

I think I need to lie down.

In the fetal position.

And eat chocolate.

But not while lying down, because then I could choke.

And there’s nothing pretty or glamorous about choking on chocolate while rocking the fetal position.

And I’m too fat from all those bon bons to get into the fetal position anyway.

I give up.

Maybe I’ll just go and start dinner instead.  It’s stew night in these parts.  You can see my recipe here.

A little something I snagged from Pinterest, but can't for the life of me remember who from in order to give proper credit for this gem. It may not be the nicest sentiment, but I'm nothing if not honest, eh?

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