So School’s Out. Now What? Pants are Optional.
9 weeks. My four smalls are all now home, everyday, all day for the next nine weeks. For those of you who are math impaired (yo, I’m using a calculator…
9 weeks. My four smalls are all now home, everyday, all day for the next nine weeks. For those of you who are math impaired (yo, I’m using a calculator…
Today marks four weeks since the death of Kyle Ehinger. I found this Thank You message in the back pages of the Georgina Advocate this evening. It is from Kyle’s…
These are the words of my three-year-old. When he does anything that is funny or sweet or sometimes really, really weird he says “and that makes your life happy, Mummy.”…
For fun and tickles, we’re trying out something new. Get your cameras ready and start sending in your (or your enemy’s) the blond moments for everyone to enjoy! Share the…
When I was a young bride, okay, stop laughing now. Okay, I’ll try that again. So, when I was a NEW bride (it is, apparently important to differentiate between young…
it was all for naught. All those wasted hours learning about high school and proms and boyfriends and best friends only to find out that LIFE was not like that…
I love our new home. I hated moving. I’m still hating moving. There are still unpacked boxes, disorganization and chaos, not to mention more than half the crap that is…
So, this post will be fairly devoid of photos, because as much as I curse and use questionable language I am not ready to go down the homemade, amateur porn…