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Open letter to Georgina-onians and passersby

Dear fellow concerned citizens, human prototypes, Georgina’onians, Keswickians, Suttonese, Pefferlawfians, and of course, our esteemed visitors (yes, I made up 60% of those labels). First, I am not perfect. In…

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Suck a what? And how long have I been trapped in a minivan?

So, on Friday, Mr. K.B. took a day off work to get some things done that he has been needing to get done, and also to hang out with me…

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The kids are alright. Except, no, wake up, they’re really not.

stig·ma ˈstiÉ¡mÉ™/ noun noun: stigma; plural noun: stigmata; plural noun: stigmas 1. a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.”the stigma of having gone to prison…

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Kid conversations. Or, Being schooled using a banana analogy

So, this conversation happened at my house tonight: 10 year-old: UGH! This banana has a HUGE bruise! Blech! *insert lots of gagging noises* 6 year-old: *insert hand gestures and adult…

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It’s Bell ‘Let’s Talk’ Day and It’s Okay to Struggle.

For the people struggling with metal illness and mental health issues on a daily basis, today is about creating a safe space for conversations to happen, to take mental health…

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Twelve months of new initiatives to save my soul and my sanity

Most of what I have blogged about so far this year are issues around personal, inner-spirit change. Mine, specifically. And this afternoon, as I was (very glamorously and fabulously) hanging…

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Giving thanks and asking questions

I love blogging. I love sharing information, recipes, stories and issues with everyone who reads the blog. I love writing something that resonates with another person, makes someone think about…

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Conversations with kids thus far in 2017

As some of you know, Miranda and I just returned from an adventure at the hospital that included an over-night stay. While we were waiting for a room in the…

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Transition pains and birthday wishes

Lucky me. The New Year and my birthday conveniently occur with only five days between them. This means that I have barely the time it takes to eat a cheesecake…

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This is the year

So, in keeping with my modus operandi, this post was slated to be published on the last day of 2016 and it is now January 1, 2017. To state the…

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