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Sleep studies are not for the vain, meek, or dignified. A simple guide.

My goal is to write a blog post almost everyday. My reality lately is that I blog a couple of times a month. What is the disconnect? I have somehow…

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Apparently, I didn’t learn much in kindergarten. Everything I know, I’ve learned from my kids. Or from being their mom. Or both

Everyday I learn something new. And it’s not from reading it in a book (um, who has time to read anymore?!?) And it’s not from watching television (except I’m sure…

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OMG. I think that Vince Vaughn has bewitched Will Ferrell and hijacked his life

I’m not a big Twitter user. I do not have the attention span or time to dedicate to religiously tweeting my every thought (you’re welcome). I do throw one out…

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Monday bloody Monday. And five things I will never buy again.

So, Monday came again. Isn’t that wonderful? It came fully loaded with fighting children, fevers, crying, stray cats, no showers, and sunshine. I think that last bit was some kind…

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Miscellaneous thursday thoughts

Today has been a series of highs and lows. I just got off the phone with my credit card provider and my bank and NO ONE can locate the payment…

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It was exhausting always worrying about global humiliation. I’m on the road to recovery now though

**Spoiler Alert** You are awesome. **End of Spoiler Alert** I have now reached the age when rumor has it that all of my past poor choices catch up with me…

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Five frugal things that I have done this week

I work hard to save my family money everyday. I shop the sales (always with a list!), price match, coupon and cook from scratch as much as possible. We reuse…

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Miscellaneous musings of a mildly insane chick in the ‘wick

It’s Miscellaneous musings Tuesday! I’m lying. I just totally made that up. There are a couple of things that I have thought about or noticed lately that either make me…

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By this logic, heaven ends and hell goes on forever and ever

All good things must end. The end is near. Only the good die young. There are countless words of wisdom about The End. Some things could go on and on…

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At this moment I am

It’s been quite a while since I have done one of these posts and Friday feels like as good a time as any to start again. 🙂 At this moment…

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