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Getting and having the flu during warm weather is balls.

I cannot believe it. I finally have a house full of healthy kids (woot!) and I wake up yesterday with my throat ON FIRE. But in my usual optimistic way,…

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First world problems and nail polish is a clever choice of weapon, Universe.

Here is the definition of #firstworldproblems for those of you who may be confused by the reference. Back in the very early 1990’s, my parents paid for me to take…

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This is not a real post so do with it what you will

I have spent a great deal of time lately thinking about my life. What it has been, what it is and what I want it to be. And what have…

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Five nice’ish things that I done did for OTHERS this week

The other day I blogged about five nice things that I did for myself this week (you can read about that here). But, after publishing, as the hours ticked by,…

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Five nice things that I done did for myself this week

In the spirit of this whole positivity movement (it’s all the rage on Pinterest and some other places, or so I am told), I’ve decided to take a minute and…

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The media changes, the clutter and overstuffed feelings remain the same

One night this week, my 20 year-old, in the process of moving to a new place, brought me a garbage bag of music CDs that he had ‘borrowed’ when he…

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This morning I sang in the shower

I have not sung in the shower in years until this morning. And man! Was I good! I was smokin’ hot*, belting out the hits. Maybe you’re familiar with some…

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Spicy HOT Chicken wings that will kill you slower than bar wings

I know, I know. I do not usually do recipe posts. I always forget to take pictures at relevant times or I’m too busy trying to put out fires and…

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Happy Easter 2014 – a day in pictures

For the record: even though I’m a stay-at-home mom and wife, I did BEG the smalls to stay in bed just a little bit longer on Easter Sunday, just so…

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I learn some of the best life lessons from my kids, I wish they were the parents sometimes.

After a recent confrontation with my three-year-old about making huge messes (dumping EVERYTHING out and then wandering off, like, I don’t know, a three-year-old, maybe?) I stormed upstairs from the…

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