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I am sad and while it sounds bad, is it really so wrong?

I have battled and won and battled and lost against Depression for almost thirty years. And this morning I woke up and realized that once again, I am engaged in…

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My November all wrapped up and ready to toss. Now bring on December.

Last month, I decided to stop re-learning everything all the time and decided to do monthly wrap up posts so that I could find all of my life lessons in…

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The song has left the bird

It must be confession week around here. Meh, I do know of certain religions (none of which are banging down my door to join them, go figure?) who believe that…

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I was in the middle of another post – confession

I was in the middle of writing a different, somewhat happy post when I had to run across the street to pick up kids after school. Putting on my running…

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Seven frugal things I’ve done so far this month

Note: I am not cheap. I am not broke. I am not rich. I am none of these extremes. Nor am I too lazy to change out of my pajamas…

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Mid-way through November and still she rambles

I’ve been blogging up a storm. I just haven’t been finishing or publishing the posts. I’ve been getting lost in my own head perhaps. So today, it’s just a mini-post,…

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I’ll show you mine if you show me – nah, nevermind. I’ll just show you mine

Many people love to talk about gross or embarrassing things that happen to others around them. Some people enjoy telling mortifying things about themselves. I am usually the first one…

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What I learned in October – Life lessons monthly wrap up

I learn a lot life lessons, it seems, all of the time. The problem is, I too quickly forget what I’ve learned and then re-learn it again later and then…

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I over-write far too often. Or I use too many words. Or something like that. Shit.

I just caught myself doing it again. I’m not sure if it’s insecurity, anxiety or just stupidity, but I will write, for example, a blog post, and I will be…

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The results of my 30-day spending freeze

Are not so much good. But I did learn some things over the past 30 days that have been helpful and I can use to re-evaluate my budget and spending.…

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