I love blogging. I love sharing information, recipes, stories and issues with everyone who reads the blog. I love writing something that resonates with another person, makes someone think about an issue in a new way or brings an issue to someone’s attention for the first time. I love the give and take of blogging, the sense of ‘finding one’s tribe’ and the sharing of ideas and quips. The thrill that I feel when any one of you leaves a comment or thought, sends me questions or emails, shares my posts with others in your social circle is akin to the thrill that I get when presented with a fresh-from-the-oven gooey pizza (and I can promise you, my excitement is almost pathological in those moments). My cup, she runneth over. And please do not even get me started on the jubilation that a new follower, reader or ‘Like’ can induce. So, for that, I must give enormous thanks. But thanks are cheap. So I’m giving thanks AND asking for your input (it’s that give and take one thing in motion, see?).
And now – the whole Question!
What are your thoughts on blogs that run contests, giveaways and the like, (interspersed with their regular content)? Are they gimmicky? Are you less likely to take them seriously or more likely to visit regularly to see if they are offering anything for free that interests you? Are you more or less likely to subscribe, Like, Share, and Follow or unsubscibe, Unlike, and Unfollow a blog that incorporates giveaways into their line up? What do YOU think about giveaways and contests on blogs. Yay or Nay? Go for it or Go away?
Please, I want to hear from you! The more comments, opinions, thoughts the better. One of my goals this year is to use 2017 to start realizing my vision for The Keswick Blog. And let’s be honest, between you and me, without readers, and without bringing interesting and engaging content to the table, it is just another online diary documenting my madness for my own amusement. And that is not what I’m going for here. I am already overexposed to my own madness as things currently stand.
Comment here on the blog, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email, or whatever your preferred method of communicating is – Contests and giveaways, yay or nay? Why? And what would you want to see more or less of this year? ????♂️