I can spell. I promise, I can. I was never graded lower than 8/10 on Mrs. Ceni’s spelling tests in the third and fourth grades and my spell-tastic star only continued to rise from there. That is what we call ‘proof,’ right?
So, now that my spell-tacular credibility has been solidly established,  I will also swear that IT happens almost every time I blog. I write, I review, I edit, and I re-read, I spell check (both using program and the human-eye kind) and when everything is perfect(ish) I hit publish. And that is when  IT happens. Somewhere between the final edit and review and the post going live, that craphole Spellcheck leaps in and deletes, changes or moves a letter so that I look like a slack-jawed, illiterate dolt.
Honestly now, Spellcheck, cut it out. You are killing my self-esteem and ruining my reputation. I may have to break up with you. And you know what? It is most definitely NOT me. It’s you.

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