Well, I did it. I finally forced myself to look at the list of my blog posts. WordPress very helpfully (read: spitefully) indicates the status of each post. And, noticing that there were no less than FOUR posts on page 1 with “Draft” beside it, I decided to dig a little deeper. Going through the most recent four pages, there were TWENTY posts with that mocking label slapped on the end of them. I stopped digging at that point. Because, well, twenty. That’s why.
Unfortunately, the truth is that I work in a fairly chaotic way. I usually have six or more things on the go at any one moment and bounce around between them. My mind is always at work either in constant dialogue or composing, planning, dreaming, and scheming (in a non-sociopathic way, of course). And rather than working on one thing from start to finish and moving on, a job well done, and all of that, I start things, work on them, walk (or run) away from them either out of frustration, necessity or distraction. And then I get wrapped up in doing whatever else catches my eye and I’m (clearly) very remiss at returning to finish up what I was in the middle of when I turned away (although it continues to live in my mind, nagging at me at weird times throughout my day).
I hate finding out things like this about myself. These things just do not reinforce my self-image of not being a total doofus. Eh. Moving on. I’ve decided to tackle two of those ‘Draft’ posts a week until they are all either written and published or deleted and burned in disgust. I figure this will solve two problems. One, writer’s block will not be a problem because I have a tonne of work already started (yay me!) and two, it will help me clean things up and get back on track working on projects that I want and need to in order to keep mind and soul together and not be bogged down with such a menagerie of thoughts, projects and ideas.
There are so many things that I want to do with these last 50 years of my life and I really do not want to waste a moment (after all, realistically, I’m only really figuring on having a smidgen over 18,000 productive days left) dealing with clutter, literal or figurative, that does not promote health, happiness or a sense that I am fulfilling my purpose on this planet. Because:

[…] ‘Draft’ blog posts once and for all. Two a week or bust! I did a post about this whole nightmare of a serial procrastinator earlier this month. But because it’s not one of my favourite things to do, I need to hammer […]
[…] few touch ups tonight, but it is basically as it sat languishing for these past months. As part of my initiative to stop procrastinating, I made a vow to deal with my draft posts, so, here I am, dealing with […]
[…] P.S. Another ‘draft’ post dealt with. Yay, me! I may reform my procrastinating ways yet. […]
[…] first day of December it would seem like a good time to say goodbye to November. See me go, all not procrastinating and […]