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I’m kinda a little bit old, not old old, but a little bit old. So I’ve been on one planet or another for a while now and in my time, I’ve done some really amazeballs things. To name just a few, I traveled alone to Indonesia when I was seventeen, I’ve pushed real human being babies out of my lady garden on occasion and the last time was without drugs, and I started this blog and met some really wonderful people as a result.

But this, this right here takes the cake. I’m not sure how I’ll ever top this one.

That’s right, people! I MADE Cucumbers! Like actually for real, made them. From seeds. I had completely given up on the plants producing anything other than leaves and spiky vines but then, by chance, fluke, by kismet, I discovered these little beauties. I just hope they keep growing so that my smalls may enjoy them before the random deviant garden critters who keep trying to pillage and abuse my tomato plants get their grubby mitts on them.

In just four short months, I have almost completely grown enough cucumbers to keep my smalls happy for at least 30 minutes (45 if a fight breaks, and odds are in my favour on that one).

Now in writing this post, I just may be starting to feel a teeny bit less self-impressed and estatic and maybe just a smidgen more loser’ish. Ah well, that will pass and I’ll be furiously happy about the twins (yes, I named them. Stop judging me) again soon.

2 thoughts on “I’ve done a few really cool things in my life but this just may beat all”

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