I have spent a great deal of time lately thinking about my life. What it has been, what it is and what I want it to be. And what have I come up with? Only absolutely NO ANSWERS AT ALL is what. Not one. And that just does not sit well with someone who loves to plan, make lists, map out everything on paper and then re-map it all with a different set of equations.
Yes, I remember my past. And I am well aware of my present, but where I get stuck is my future. In about five minutes, I’m going to get up and grab a drink because I’m so thirsty one could accuse me of exaggerating, but I literally cannot swallow anymore, my throat is that dusty. Lit-er-ally. Truth. Shit, okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit lot, but I am thirsty. This does not change the fact that creating this short-term future goal (quenching my very real thirst) does not further me significantly in my quest for a future LIFE plan. Oh sure, I won’t be thirsty anymore but I also still will not have a clue what I want to accomplish, have, be, do or see in my life as it plays out. And that alone is probably more difficult for me than trying to find two matching socks to wear in the morning (I swear elves come in and fuck with my sock drawer while I sleep – thank god for flip flop weather!)
So, I’m going to ponder this some more (and also go and get that drink, I’m frickin’ dyyyyyying here!) and if, I mean when I come up with some more concrete plans, I’ll do a real post about future plans, bucket lists and how to avoid dying of boredom by choosing to wait for life to happen to you instead of planning for what you want and then going out (literally or figuratively) and making it happen.
***Five Minutes Later***
Updated to add: I made THIS happen just now.