In the spirit of this whole positivity movement (it’s all the rage on Pinterest and some other places, or so I am told), I’ve decided to take a minute and re-evaluate some things that perhaps I have been taking for granted and give them the acknowledgment and kudos that they deserve. So, on that note, the five nice things that I did for myself this week are:
1. I showered. Everyday. No exceptions.
2. I ate chocolate. (Yes, I know this one could be seen as self-harming, but what the fuck? Have ya’ll ever TASTED chocolate? Doesn’t feel so harmful to me 😉 ).
3. I wrote this list. I’m a list maker, usually pen to paper, but in a pinch, typing one works too. Dual purpose nice factor – I get things organized and I reduce my anxiety and the uneasy, uncomfortable feeling I get when I haven’t written in too long.
4. I hung a load of laundry outside on the line to dry today. The first one this year. This increases my happiness factor and reduces my hydro bill – winning on the mental health and financial fronts.

5. I told the bathroom scale to just fuck right off when it was staring at me after my shower. You think I’m going anywhere near that thing soaking wet? Ounces count, people, every single ounce counts. Stink eye or not, I’m not going anywhere near that motherfucker.
So, these were the nicest things that I did for myself this week. I think that I did pretty well, there may be room for improvement, but not a lot, right? Things that I would normally just do and ignore, not appreciate fully, or auto-pilot my way through, I took note of this week to celebrate. Pretty positive of me, isn’t it?
Yeah, I’m not sure if this positivity thing is going to work out either, but I’m all for trying. I hope that I can do at least this well next week.