No Widgets found in the Sidebar

Usually when Miss Moon and I walk over to pick up our mail, I am usually disappointed with the array of bills, hearing aid solicitations, MPP newsletters, and mis-directed mail that awaits me.

Today, there was a bill (of course – bite it Hydro One – SO tired of rate increases, time of use robbery and the eternal ‘debt repayment’ charges that increase our bill to three times our actual hydro usage. So. Annoyed). A RRSP statement (yay to having a good investmenty money guy!) and another piece of mis-directed mail.  We’ve lived here a year and a half and we’re still getting the previous owners mail. 🙁 BUT, amid this mind-numbing collection of future Blue Box filler, there was this:


Free Samples!  I love free samples.  If the sample is for an item that we will not use, I’ll donate it, but if I can find a use for it around here, I will.  Free samples are the reason that I will probably not have to buy shaving razors for a couple of years.  Love, love, love samples!  The contradiction here is that I almost NEVER take the offered samples at Costco.  I’ll let the kids (depending on what it is, of course), but unless it’s a free sample of Valium laced Vodka, I pass.



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