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I came home to Keswick only to find that my garden vegetables converted into the vegetable equivalent of ‘Girl’s Gone Wild’ meet ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ zucchini nation

contrasting veggies

mondo zucchini

mondo's mini-me

unripened heritage tomatoes

They're supposed to ripen and be purple, but so far they all look green to me.  Must be from hanging out with the zucchini bullies.
They’re supposed to ripen and be purple, but so far they all look green to me. Must be from hanging out with the zucchini bullies.
These were our normal zucchinis before our vacation.  Large, but not ridiculously so.  Apparently, my presence stunts their growth.  Perhaps the universe is telling me to stay on vacation?!?
These were our normal zucchinis before our vacation. Large, but not ridiculously so. Apparently, my presence stunts their growth. Perhaps the universe is telling me to stay on vacation?!?

More about our vacation later, but in a nutshell, we DROVE to Florida, we DID NOT do DIsney, our kids had a FABULOUS time, and gas station washrooms in the South see A LOT more action than their counterparts to the north.

Now, I’m off to find some kick-ass recipes for zucchini pickles, this family can only eat so many cookies 😉



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