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1) To have a local paper that employs someone to review copy before it goes to print:




2) I would like to have stores at least try to fool me into thinking that I am getting a deal when I shop with them:


What would be your two things today?

P.S.  If you’ have not ‘Liked’ The Keswick Blog on Facebook or ‘Followed’ along on Twitter or checked out The Keswick Blog on Pinterest, then you’re missing out on micro-blogging that happens when time or circumstances do not allow for a full-blown blog entry 🙂  Come on over and share the insanity!
P.P.S.  So now The Keswick Blog is on Instagram , find thekeswickblog there to see some random things that do not make it to Facebook, Twitter or the blog – Too. Many. Sites. Where will it end?  *thud*

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