It’s been quite a while since I have done one of these posts and Friday feels like as good a time as any to start again. 🙂
At this moment I am
…happy that my family is healthy (colds and flus be damned) and everyone is growing well, physically and emotionally.
…a bit overwhelmed thinking of all the tasks that I want or need to accomplish in the near future. Regular ‘a day in the life’ stuff and other ‘because I want to’ things.
…heavy. True to my New Years goals, I have not shed a single pound or gained a single ounce of muscle. And strangely enough, my energy levels have not increased either. Coincidence? I think not.

…so proud of my girl. Day five of potty training and not an accident in sight. She went from baby to big girl overnight. Day one she wanted me to sit in the bathroom with her. By day three she was getting herself situated for business and looking at me with that sweet face and saying with a smile ‘out, Mummy.’
…tired just thinking about March Break. We’ll have some good times, and I won’t have to get up quite as early or make lunches the night before or wait for the bus so that will be a nice change in routine. But I need to come up with some plans for when cabin fever breaks out and the smalls turn into mini-UFC fighters in the living room…
…pleased that I chose this morning to walk over to the younger boys’ school and drop off a form and some cookies. I got to sneak into the assembly and watch the kids in action and get some reassurance that the boys are in the right place for their education right now.
…loving the sunshine outside and the warmer temperatures. Bring on Spring!
…not looking forward to Daylight Savings Time coming into effect this weekend. I hate losing an hour of sleep, I need MORE not LESS!
…thinking about all of the ways that I can do better with the resources I have – emotional, mental, physical, financial – I have many resources that I should be putting to better use to benefit my family and others.
…valuing life experiences and learning from them more and more. I will not live with regrets as long as I am always learning how to do things better, smarter, and happier. Ego really does get in the way of peace and tranquility too often. The older that I get, the more I think that the Tibetan monks have the right idea in many ways.

Yes, I do see how the images and my commentary contradict one another.  Apparently I am a more complex (read conflicted) person that I realized. Shit. I have much ‘me’ work to do, it would seem. Apparently.
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P.P.S. Apparently The Keswick Blog is on Instagram now, find thekeswickblog there to see some random things that do not make it to Facebook or the blog – where will it end? *thud*