No Widgets found in the Sidebar

The other day my four smalls and I were on our way to Tae Kwon Do when what catches my eye on the grassy part of the roadside?  Something red.  Very red.  And lots of it.

I jam the brakes bring the van to safe stop, slam it into reverse carefully and cautiously back the van up.  And what did I find?

TOMATOES!  Tonnes of them!  Dummy here was too excited to take a “before” picture, so here is what was left after I took all of the ones that looked completely intact 🙂

And yes, I know.  Before those of you who actually know me and my long history of hating on tomatoes that were not in the form of Heinz ketchup, let me explain.  I’m a grown up now!  I still won’t eat a raw tomato under threat of death, but I do make a pretty good homemade sauce and will totally not hurl if a slice of one finds its way on to my hamburger or sandwich.  I eat it.  I deal.  It’s called maturity people. But I don’t have a lot of it, so please don’t test me on it. I will fail.

Anyway, this is the bounty I recovered:

Free Keswick tomatoes – about 10 pounds of them – wooooo hoooo!  I left about twice this behind for being less-than-perfect.  I can really be a judgmental bitch sometimes (or maybe that’s a mental bitch – I dunno – I got free tomatoes!)

and I abracadabra’d them into about 10-12 cups of diced tomatoes (frozen, not canned) and about 10 cups of yummy, delicious sauce.  For basically free – just a little time and effort (and a whole lot of excited energy – LOL!)

Sauce for days! Mmmmmm mmmmm good! Even my Deacon licked his plate clean and he’s my boy that always asks for his spaghetti without sauce! Chef Boy-ar-who?

But before all of this sexy sauce making and tomato dicing occurred, I committed a minor Criminal Code violation.  Well, technically I did and then I undid it pretty quick-like, but if you cut through all the bullshit, I done did it.  I stole bananas from the grocery store.  But then I went back and paid for them.  So I’m either a really honest person who made a mistake or a really crap thief with an attention deficit disorder.  Or both.  Or neither.  Does it matter?  Really?  I mean, I didn’t have to do any hard time, the police weren’t called, there was no cavity search and no one was hurt – hell, even the store was paid in full for the $1.75 worth of bananas that I had stashed under my stupid Wal-Mart special stroller and promptly forgot about while paying for the over-priced pull-ups for Ms. M.  So really, who was hurt?  Other than me?  Paying too much for overpriced pull ups was painful (but not as painful as I imagine a cavity search would be, so I’m counting my blessings, honestly!), but I’m not the type to hold a grudge, so yes, I returned to the store and paid for the bananas that my babies were going to consume the next morning.  I just couldn’t stomach the thought of feeding them all that bad karma with their legit and innocent Cheerios, you know?

Unstolen bananas just look cleaner and taste better, you know?

So, what have you found, scored or unstolen this week?  Everything counts, everything makes a difference to your bottom line – your financial one or your karma one 😉

2 thoughts on “Another reason why I love living on the fringe of Keswick proper (and once again, I narrowly escape the po-po and lock up)”
  1. LOL! I just started following your blog and you’re a hoot! I grew up in Keswick actually. Your post today made me laugh though. Heck of a find on the side of the road!! As for the banana’s – I think we’ve all ‘unstolen’ one thing or another at some pt in our lives. Hey, who here can say that their own child isn’t a clepto? All those times we walk out of the store and realize our little darlings are sporting new sunglasses, a new bag, candy – whatever those sweet little hands could reach!

    1. Aw, thank you Karen! I had never even been to Keswick before I moved here but I really do like it here and I like raising my family here. Even if I do occassionally un-steal something *grin*

      I remember being in Montreal with my eldest son, years ago and we had just gotten back from one of my favourite clothing stores (at the other end of the city) when he pulls a silk scarf out of his coat pocket with a “look, Mummy!” I was a lot younger then and easily mortified. Now, I laugh, shake my head and head back to return or pay for whatever we’ve innocently or accidently “lifted.” 🙂

      And then I lecture everyone about doing time and not getting ice cream for a very, very long time. That sobers the crew up nicely!

      Have a great Thanksgiving weekend 🙂

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