These are the words of my three-year-old. When he does anything that is funny or sweet or sometimes really, really weird he says “and that makes your life happy, Mummy.”
And you know what? It’s true. Watching him, and his brothers and sister, learn and grow and change does make my life happy. Even when they are driving my insane and I just want to run and hide from them. Or sell them to the circus. Or whatever you’re supposed to do to save yourself from your kids. At the end of the day, each and every one of them makes my life happier.
And I have so much to learn from these little people. From Paxton, my little Rigatoni, I am learning to just be happy. And just because I want to be. And just because I choose to be. Just like he does. When he’s sad, his plaintive cry “I wanna be happy!” breaks my heart and makes me smile all at the same time. So I tell him “then be happy, Paxie.” And you know what? He gets happy and the craziest, sweetest, little elf smile spreads across his face and our worlds are right again.

At least until the next time, and I reach for the yellow pages to look up “circus recruitment.”. *grin*