I love our new home. I hated moving. I’m still hating moving. There are still unpacked boxes, disorganization and chaos, not to mention more than half the crap that is lost, is mine. 🙁
Stuff I know that I have and wish I could find:
1. My backup hard drive. I know I have one, I use it all the time because I do not trust my laptop to live much longer and I take a copious amount of photographs that I do NOT want to lose when this laptop finally starts its death rattle. I really wish I could remember or find the box I packed it in. And I really, really wish that I had someone other than myself to blame. Blech.
2. About 10 bottles of shampoo. Yes, yes, I know, who needs 10 bottles of shampoo? The simple answer is ME, I do. Stop judging me, it’s not like I have 100 bottles. That would be a problem. BUT, I bought them on a crazy discount sale and was really depending on not having to buy shampoo again until sometime in 2014 and now that plan is shot to hell. Dammit.
3. That last Cadbury Cream egg. I could really, really use that right now. I’m pretty upset about that shampoo and Cadbury tends to help me through these emotional crisis. For the love of all things holy, STOP JUDGING ME. It’s not like I’ve lost my mickey of Vodka or something. Geez.
4. Our DVD player. I know – weird one, huh? BUT, I can see the box we packed it in (it’s a huge box with the throw pillows from the couch and the shelves from the T.V. unit just to name a few things), I just can not FIND the box that we packed it in. And I want it back. The kids are no help either, they have VHS to keep them happy. Cretins.
5. Most of my tee shirts. And pretty much all of the ones that were made for woman AND that fit me. Curiouser and Curiouser. I have tee shirts in my drawer, and most of them are mine (now), but I don’t seem to have many that were made, designed or meant to be worn by a woman. Of those, yesterday, I had precisely three. So I gave in and bought three more. So I’m up to six and I’m good with that number but I’m taking bets on how long I’m wearing each one before some kind of catastrophic spill occurs and sends me back into my oversized, shapeless men’s tees (mostly freebies from cereal boxes, no less!).
I’m sure there are more things that I can’t find but now that I’ve spent this time listing these few things, I’m too discouraged to continue, so I’m going to quit while I’m ahead and go and find me that Cadbury egg (or at this point, a handful of chocolate chips, will do). Little bastard has to be around here somewhere. Just watch it be packed with the shampoo AND the DVD player. Heads will roll! (well, I guess only mine will because it will be my fault and that will suck because I will NEVER live it down and I can’t put myself in time out because then I’ll be accused of taking a holiday. And I will probably have to share the egg, but I will have clean hair for cheap again, so it’s not a total wash).