I have a confession, which, truth be told, isn’t much of a confession at all. Sparkly things make me furiously happy. I can’t help it. I think I was born this way. I remember my parents tell me a story about taking me around Holt Renfrew when I was small and my expressions of pure glee and delight at the sight of an all-sequined dress, which I thought my mom should buy, immediately. Given that she wasn’t looking to change her profession from full-time student to hooker, she made it very clear that the dress would be staying on the rack. I was heartbroken, but not spirit-broken. My love for all things sparkly lived on and grew as I did. And, of course, there was my obsession with Dorothy’s ruby slippers (and all things Oz-related, really) oh, how they sparkled and shone. I was green with envy and sick with desire for a pair of those low-heeled red pumps. Sure, the magic they possessed was cool too, but since I never left home, for me, it was really all about the sparkles.

Now, I’m a grown up (mostly, or at least legally – humph!) so I should be able to put aside these childhood focuses and be furiously happy with access to clean water and the sound of birds singing on a Spring day, and yes, I am happy with both of those things, and I would miss them horribly if there were suddenly gone, but shallow or not, it’s still sparkly things that really blow my hair back.
So, while I’m not Ke$ha (wickedly stupid spelling there), going around throwing sparkles on people and smearing them all over myself while brushing my teeth with Jack Daniels (ewwwww, really?!?), I do, on days when access to clean water and singing birds isn’t quite enough to motivate me (and YES, I know that it should be, I’m not that shallow), adorn some of my sparklier sparklies and feel the furious happiness begin to work its magic on my mood. I can’t stay sour in the of sparkly things, I just can’t do it.

So, for better or for worse, however much it makes me akin to a crow or Ke$sha (that spelling is killing me!) this is one of my truths. It’s either sparkly things or drugs and I was taught in grade school to ‘Just Say No to Drugs.’ (Showing my age, but clearly it was a kick-ass campaign, ’cause all these years later, I’m still saying ‘No.’ 🙂
* For those of you who are new to this planet, Kryptonite “is famous for being the ultimate natural weakness of Superman and most other Kryptonians, and the word Kryptonite has since become synonymous with an Achilles’ heel —the one weakness of an otherwise invulnerable hero. From the world’s best source of the TRUTH – Wikipedia 😉