Have I mentioned that our house has been on the market for the last couple of months? One thing after another appears to have thwarted our efforts to sell and purchase a much bigger home to house our feral monkeys. Why does that matter for NYE 2011? Well, we weren’t expecting to still be here in the New Year and many of our possessions, including things that we tend to need for daily living are in storage.
There is nothing like trying to sell your house to test your grit. It’s hard. It’s tiring. It’s disheartening and frustrating. It’s a freakin’ rollercoaster ride that hits the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. In a nutshell, I don’t want to do this again, so it better sell soon (like in the next week or so, please?).
Anyway, so we’re here and starting 2012 anew. I have a whole slew of goal, dreams and challenges I have set for myself. Far too many to share (ok, far too many embarrassing ones to share), but one of the more benign ones is to be more adventurous, to try new things and stop saying ‘no, thank you’ out of habit and fear and say ‘yes, please’ to new and different experiences and situation. No more hiding for this girl 🙂
So, in that light, I give you this:

I didn’t cook this, my Bermuda-raised husband did. Pan seared Garlic-butter shrimp. My whole life I have said “um, no thanks” to any seafood that didn’t come wrapped in newspaper from the local fish and chip place. What was I thinking? This was so yummy. I feel so stupid for waiting so long to open my mind up to trying it. Of course, it just reinforces that flexibility really is the way to roll. Black or white doesn’t work for all of life’s situations people, it’s all about the shades of gray sometimes.
Oh, and as for the state of affairs around here? 5 has been throwing up all morning, 3 is on a rampage to torment 7 and 19 months, and 17 is still a frickin’ teenager. Oh, and we have a house showing booked for later today and I have to get the house ready while corralling the four youngest and kicking 17’s butt into gear. Um, Help!?!?
So, have you tried to sell your house with small children running around? Any tips or tricks to share? My husband doesn’t believe in duct tape, so that’s out (I already went there, in my mind anyway) 🙂