No Widgets found in the Sidebar

Me: “Oh my GOD!  Did you see that?!?”
Mr. K.B. (driving) “No!  What?”
Me: “That sign back there said something about $99 sluts.”
Mr. K.B. “What? Where?” (craning his neck to look back over his shoulder while continuing to drive
Me: “That sign right back there.  And I don’t have a camera.  Shit.  Oh, wait!  I have my phone.  Oh wait, it’s probably dead” (rummaging in the abyss I call a purse).  “Ah! Found it.  And it’s still got a tiny bit of battery life left!”
Mr. K.B. “Do you want me to turn around?”
Me: “No, it’s okay.  If it’s meant to be, it will still be there when we head back and if my phone still has any battery life left, we’ll stop then.” (See, I’m not a total selfish juvenile, I can be reasonable too).

An hour or so later.

Me: “There it is!  Stop the car!  Pull over, fast!”

Mr. K.B. does and he opens his window so I can take a picture leaning over him.  (Proof positive that he loves me 🙂 ) I then hop out of the car and race around to the other side of the unfortunate sign.  I have to get a shot of both sides.  Or it’s meaningless. Or I may die.  It’s that important.  Or it is not.  I can’t remember anymore.  But I did get both pictures.  And I felt giddy because I’m never prepared to immortalize adolescent stupidity.  Mr. K.B. may have said something about me being crazy, but he was smiling at the time, and not signing commitment papers, so I let the comment slide (well, that, and I don’t actually think that he’s wrong about the status of my sanity or lack thereof most of the time).

I usually have to read FAIL blogs to see this kind of thing (guilty pleasure, I admit it).  But not this time.  Just this once, I was in the right place, at the right time and my phone had a single iota of battery power left.  Just enough to get me these two shots. We were meant to be together.  Praise Jesus.

The first side, taken from the car
The first side, taken from the car.   Get your dentures and free sluts, if they also sold bait then it would be truly be one-stop shopping!
The other side.  I'm probably going straight to Hell along with the hooligans who changed the sign to begin with.  But I'm okay with that, I knew I was going to end up there for one thing or another.
The other side. I’m probably going straight to Hell along with the hooligans who changed the sign to begin with. But I’m okay with that, I knew I was going to end up there for one thing or another.

P.S.  My spell check is a prude.  Or has had a very sheltered existence up until now.  I typed “sluts” (quite properly, I assure you) and spell check decided that I must have meant either: slots, shots, slums, slugs, slits, or slats.  On second reading, some of those are almost worse that sluts.  Maybe I’m the sheltered one and my spell check is a pig,  Yeah, it’s probably that.  Never mind.


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