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Because winter will never end and Spring will never arrive and we’ll be back into Autumn before really ever having the chance to enjoy Summer, gloom is muscling in on my thoughts, and where better to share that with than here? On that warm and welcoming note, onward with things that make me cry. Oh, where to start this list? It has the potential to go on forever. But that would be sad and depressing, and why would you stay? So to counteract the boo-hoos, I’ll include a the list of things that make me smile happily. And things that make me sleepy. And then, just for kicks, things that make me giddy and ridiculously, stupidly happy. Ugh. On second thought, perhaps I’ll just make a table rather than a list. Because tables are fancier than lists and today, I’m feeling fancy.

Things that make me cryThings that make me smileThings that make me sleepyThings that make me giddy
Not eating pizzaEating pizzaEating too much pizzaPizza🍕
Arguing with Mr. K.B. or having him upset with meBeing ridiculous with Mr. K.B. Watching Mr. K.B. watch televisionDate nights with Mr. K.B. ('cause then he's my boyfriend again 😉)
Being too fat Pants that fit and fasten shut while still allowing me to breathe without gaspingThinking about being less-fat and rifling through my closet to find clothes that fit and that are not pyjamas Pizza 😍🍕
Those goddamned military personnel homecoming videos people insist on posting everywhere onlineThose lovely, thoughtful military personnel homecoming videos people keep sharing onlineWatching too many military homecoming videos that eventually morph into how to potty train a giraffe videos (thanks, YouTube!)Standup comedy videos with far too many f-bombs and strong parental advisories.
Reading with my babies and realizing they need me to read to them less and less as they get more and more proficient at reading themselvesReading to myself and getting lost in a really juicy novel or bookReading textbooks that grow my brain and expand my knowledge baseFinding out that there’s a sequel already available
The Bridges of Madison County (the movie, not the book, the book was a complete pile of shite)Love Actually, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Gone with The Wind, The Wizard of Oz and GreaseThree-hour long Pirates of the Caribbean movies and movies with non-ending endings (No Country For Old Men, anyone?).Mobster movies, old black and white movies, the complete Rocky collection
Spicy food, failed recipes, cakes with jam in the middleWatermelon, sweet, crisp green grapes, Old Dutch Ketchup chipsToo much sugar and dessertPizza
The state of Ontario's education systemWatching my babies learn new things, despite Ontario's education systemWorrying about the state of Ontario's education systemThe promise and anticipation of summer vacation
Realizing that time is flying by and I’m on the wrong side of itThinking of all the things I have yet to try, see, do, and experienceThinking of all the things that I still have to do just to keep day-to-day life moving forwardThinking about how much promise lies ahead for my children and the adventures they will have
Coming to terms with moving on to the second stage of family and parenting - the ‘no more babies’ stageWatching my babies grow into funny, witty, sensitive, strange, bizarrely clever independent thinkers and citizensParenting - all of the stages - from pregnancy to having adult children and everything in-betweenSay it with me: Pizza.

So, there you have it. The Oh-My-God-This-Winter-Will-Never-End-And-I’ll-Never-See-My-Flip-Flops-Again depths of despair, stream-of-consciousness emptying of my head.


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