I’m a list maker. I make lists at least daily if not more often. I make lists of chores that I need to do, errands I need to run, food I need to cook or bake, plants I need to plant in the garden, places I need to take the kids, I even make lists for ‘me’ time activities. I’m just a full-on list maker. And that’s not going to change. And, I’m okay with that. It forces me to use my stash of notebooks because I’m also a paper-and-pen list maker. Digital lists just don’t do it for me, so I’m writing my summer bucket list on paper first then re-creating it here for 1) accountability and 2) I’m a sharer. Also, you know that we have about six days left in our school year and then we’re free for ten glorious weeks. So, in no particular order, here the first 10 items on my Summer 2015 Bucket List:
1. Go for daily walks (not strolls) for a minimum of 45 minutes.
Because I need to make sure that I’m getting enough exercise. I definitely get enough activity, running around or doing housework and keeping up my smalls, but I’m not getting enough actual exercise. And it’s really showing.
2. Organize and declutter the linen closet.
This needs to happen. The space is completely out of control and I’m fairly sure that once I’m done going through it all that I will be looking for crafting ideas using old sheets, pillowcases, and towels. So keep me in mind if you come across any good ones. 😉
3. Go for a bike ride with the kids three times a week (at least).
I did this a couple of times last summer and it was really fun. Once I get past the dread of trying to dig my bike out of the shed, IÂ really enjoy riding with my minion army.
4. Go to the library weekly.
To replenish books and movies and to have the smalls participate in the summer reading program. This one may also assist in another item elsewhere on my list. Oh so much goodness in one place (and did I mention that it’s air conditioned too? Win!) I can almost forgive that they also house the hockey arena in the same building. Ha! 😉
5. Do a family field trip to see a Blue Jays game.
Because it’s summer. And in summer, you play or watch baseball. Seven years at numerous diamonds all summer long with Declan taught me that one. Next year, Mas and Deacon want to play, so my field-filled summer life may begin all over again. 🙂
6. Paint the laundry/powder room, including refinishing the cabinets.
This has been on my radar for a long time now. We bought the paint. We figured out a basic game plan, and then the project dropped down the list of important things to get done. But it needs to happen. When we bought the house, almost every room was a different shade of yellow. And, not that I don’t like yellow, but yellow with gray countertops makes my stomach hurt and is just blech. So, even though it will be a pain to move the washer and dryer out for a couple of days, the pain will pale in comparison to the joy the newly dolled up room will bring.
7. Take my minion army to a splash pad at least once a week.
Because they love water. And I love them. And that’s reason enough.
8. Deal with ‘Draft’ blog posts once and for all.
Two a week or bust! I did a post about this whole nightmare of a serial procrastinator earlier this month. But because it’s not one of my favourite things to do, I need to hammer it home for myself that it needs to be done. By me. Because I can’t afford to hire someone to clean up my messes. 😉
9. Do a big field trip to the ROM, complete with GO Train rides.
Just need to bite the bullet on this one. The kids will LOVE going on the train. It’s going to be a BIG, LONG day, but we can handle it. And I can’t wait to see them discover everything the ROM has to offer. At this point, it’s really a matter of picking a day, plucking up my resolve and doing it.
10. Go and visit with Nana once a week.
I miss my parents (wish I could give my teenage self a HUGE FYI advance warning that this was going to happen!) and my mum lives 45 minutes away, as opposed to the seven hours away that Montreal is, so seeing her weekly is doable, but during the school year it’s hard to coordinate regular visits. Last summer we made it to her house pretty much every week and it was a good thing for all of us. Happiness for everyone works for me.
Part two will follow in the next couple of days, DEFINITELY before school lets out! (Because I’m a recovering procrastinator, remember?) 😉
P.S. Spellcheck is officially out to get me. A dirty saboteur if you will. I write ‘declutter’ and it tries to force me to change it to ‘clutter’ Um, no asshole, I don’t want to clutter up the linen closet. It’s ALREADY cluttered, that’s why it’s on this list. Spellcheck, you don’t get me at all. Either that or you’re showing up for work drunk. Whatever dude, I may have to break up with you after this one. I’ll add that to my list.

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[…] week, I posted Part One of my Summer 2015 Bucket list and wrote about how I’m a list maker. Well, now, a week later, I’m finally back with […]