I actually made something! It’s not square, and it’s not perfect, but it is functional, practical, frugal (used left-over cotton yarn), and it was fun.

Truth be told, this is probably the straightest piece that I’ve ever completed. I always go for square or rectangle but usually end up with more of a rhombus or some other made up shape.
I’m gearing up to try to make another blanket/throw/giant dish cloth, but I think I’ll do a few more ‘practice’ pieces first. We don’t need another lopsided, wonky throw blanket around here. #Truth
Other than that, it was a little bit stressful to not have instant access to all the answers, because in all honesty I love my electronics, but I think that I could and need to get used to not being so ‘plugged’ in again. I mean, until my early twenties, pagers were the best way to stay connected and even as cool as they were, it was frustrating even then either being paged or having your pages ‘ignored.’ Â Now it’s even worse because people know when you’ve ‘seen’ their text, message or post. It’s 24/7 tracking and the more that I think about it, the less I like it and the un-cooler it becomes.
So, onward and upward with day two of this challenge. I think I’ll go and find some more ends of yarn and start practicing crocheting ‘in the round’ (’cause that shit is complicated I tell you).
P.S. I think my spell-checker is drunk because it keeps telling me that “no writing errors were found” in this post. I find that difficult to believe. If there’s one thing you can count on me for, it’s making a multitude of stupid and obvious errors.