Deacon, my Deacon is turning six today! And while his desired dinner is no problem, the cupcakes ain’t gonna make themselves so I had better get hopping!
Oh, and just in case you don’t know Deacon, his most favourite-ist dinner in the world is Box-a-roni. Otherwise known as Kraft Dinner (but not the real one because it is laden with tartazine and other crap that just isn’t kosher). So, I’m off to create some delicious birthday cupcakes and make sure I have a pot of water on the stove and ready to boil all of that scrumptious KD for my sunny birthday boy. 😉
I’ll leave you with this though – it’s from a birthday past and his smile is just as big today 🙂

Happy Birthday, Deacon!!
Aw, thank you Karen! Deacon will be tickled to pieces to see an ‘online’ happy birthday wish 🙂 Allison
Happy Birthday Lil Guy! 🙂
Thank you! He’ll be so excited to see more happy birthday wishes in the morning 🙂 Allison