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I don’t like to brag or anything, but this morning I made our own PLAYDOH.  And it was amazing, so by extension, I am amazing.  And I made it smell pretty by adding some peppermint extract (my house, sadly, was devoid of glitter this morning, but next time we’re adding some for sure!).  And that makes me brilliant and amazing.  Yes actually, I do think that this achievement is on par with (wo)man inventing fire.  It feels fiercely impressive to make a batch of playdoh that actually turns out.  But I can only take partial credit, because I think that this recipe is idiot (read KB) proof 😉

But because I’m the sharing type, I’m going to let you all in on the recipe for the Best Ever, Super-dee-duper’dist, Play-Doh in the history of me saying ‘super-dee-duper’ like some 90’s Barney reject.

This is fantastically easy to make and very inexpensive.  The most expensive part is the cream of tartar, but it totally makes this recipe magical.  *Jazz fingers*  *Jazz fingers*

Yes, I do know that my mental illness runs deep.  I’m okay with it, so you should be too.


ANYWAY – now for the recipe:


1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of salt (dear Lord, please don’t eat this shit.  Your sodium levels will go through the roof.  Oh, and don’t let your pets eat it, this much salt could kill ’em and that would make your kids feel sad, and NOT happy, which is the purpose of playdoh – duh.)
2 Tbsp cream of tartar powder (this is NOT tartar sauce as I have heard of some people trying to use – yuck!)
1 Tbsp oil (because I’m fancy, I used and olive/canola mix, but any oil other than motor, will do)
1 cup boiling water
food colouring – your choice or the kids.  I’ll leave this up to ya’ll to figure out.
Peppermint extract to make it smell nice and help preserve it a bit longer.


Mix it all together (I used my Kitchenaid stand mixer) until it comes together.  I don’t recommend using your hands for the first while because that boiling water is not fooling around.  It is hot as a mo-fo.

Start playing, but play nice and share.  Then take a picture and email it to your friends and family.  Then sit back and wait for the intervention.

When the fun is over and the kids are a crying mess and you’re ready to start drinking (again) in the morning, gather up all of your playdoh and store it in a Ziploc bag.  You know, so you can have all that fun again tomorrow 🙂

Happy doh doh’ing!

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